Pony Birthday Party

from £275.00

Mini Munchkins age 5+
£275 for 8 children
Includes brushing and stroking time with the ponies - all children get to sit on the pony if they wish to - party games, time to eat and sing Happy Birthday (food available at additional cost). Duration: 1.5hrs.

Tweens age 8+
£350 for 10 children
Includes grooming, plaiting - time with the ponies - all children get to ride if they wish to - gymkhana games, time to eat and sing Happy Birthday (food available at additional cost). Duration: 2hrs.

Teens & Adults age 13+
£275 for 5 teens/adults
Includes grooming and plaiting - time with the ponies - all teens/adults get to ride out across the farm if they wish to - time to eat and sing Happy Birthday (food available at additional cost). Duration: 2hrs.

Please contact Elly first to check the date you wish to book is available.


Pony Morning
Pony Easter Egg Trail
Workshop: Gather, Reflect & Connect
Pony Academy